About Yprosi
Yprosi is an anagram of Roy Sip. Yprosi stands for Young PROfessional Sports Instruction.
Roy studied Sportpsychology in the USA and Australia. Upon his return to the Netherlands, Roy decided to study Physical Education and Mathematics in Zwolle and Tilburg. During his time in the USA and Australia, he obtained his international coaching accreditation in Track and Field / Athletics. He is also a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and Certified Speed & Agility Specialist (CSAS).
Roy is a part-time teacher Physical Education and Mathematics at a bilingual high school in the Netherlands and he is a parttime coach Sprint, Hurdles, Longjump and Triplejump in Germany. As a side-hustle, he runs smaller projects, like bootcamp games, teaches courses, clinics and so on.
As a coach, Roy has coached over 250 different medal winners. These athletes competed at several (inter)national (youth) championships, like ECH, WCH, EYOF and Carifta. The athletes competed for Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Finnland and Suriname and were active in Athletics (track and field), football (soccer), fieldhockey, Basketball, swimming and handbiking. Roy also had several athletes competing at the Olympic Games of 2008 (Beijing, China) and 2012 (London, UK).